Wednesday, February 23, 2011

it's been awhile...

wow, it's been forever since i've written. i have a lot of ideas/thoughts/lists floating around in my head so it's probably time to put some of them on paper to clear space for more clutter in my brain!

i have a million thoughts in my head during the day, when i can't write them down, or when i can only manage to write down a quick note to myself as a reminder to expound on it later; when i actually sit down in front of my own computer or journal to write about whatever it was that i wanted out of my head, i can't remember what my quick notes mean or what it was that i so desperately needed to get out of my head.

i know this much is true - i'm more than a little overwhelmed at this growing up thing that's rushing at me, a million miles a minute. planning a wedding, managing long-distance friendships, trying to be everything to everyone and make sure that no one feels left out, balancing work and play, trying to save money for this wedding, making sure we have enough money to retire while we're still young enough to enjoy life... the list never ends!

okay, so this is my semi-not-so-positive post... apologies to all who are reading this! lots has been happening, good stuff (friend visits, upcoming weddings, home improvements) that i'll blog more about next time. for now, it's bedtime :)